About the Patient Participation Group




The aim of the PPG is to represent patients' views and to work voluntarily and in partnership with the surgery to provide services that reflect what patients want and need. If you have an interest in health, you use our services and you feel that you could make a positive contribution in supporting the practice then please send an email to our PPG Chair Andrea Warren using our secure online form

  • Why you feel you would be suitable?
  • What are your ideas and priorities to design and develop Oak Tree’s services?

We aim to meet every 10 weeks on an evening with Oak Tree management team in person or via MS teams / Zoom. Do you have availability to attend meetings in the future?

PPG Image

More information on the role of PPGs is on the National Association for Patient Participation website

Please note that this meeting is not a forum for individual complaints and single issues but to work with you, the patients, our advocates to ensure that patients' views are represented in conjunction with the aims and objectives of Oak Tree Health Centre


What Is The Patient Participation Group?

A group of people joining together in a voluntary capacity to enhance the Practice by working alongside the doctors and nurses on behalf of and representing the patients.


What Does It Involve?

  • Primarily we do ask that members attend a PPG meeting held locally (likely to be in the evening) approximately every 10-12 weeks
  • This is to discuss issues affecting your Practice, and helping the surgery to deliver the best service it can
  • The PPG is not intended to be a forum for complaints made by individuals against the Practice, these should be resolved using the Practice's complaints process.

What Else Does The PPG Do?

  • Contribute to the continuous improvement of practice services
  • Foster improved communication between the Practice and patients
  • Provide practical support to help implement change at a practice level
  • Respond to developments in local NHS provision
  • Review patient booklet and website
  • Help patients to take more responsibility for their own health

*All the above are not mandatory but even the smallest input is of great value.


Who Can Become A Member And What Are Their Roles?

  • Generally anyone who is a patient within the Practice.
  • Oak Tree Health Centre does have a right to refuse an individual if it considers it is in the best interest of the individual or the Practice. The Practice and PPG Chair will appoint PPG members based on application/expression of interest shortlisting and face to face interview.
  • Membership of the PPG is open to all patients at Oak Tree Health Centre and it is important to the development of the practice that the PPG is as representative as possible of the whole patient population. Members are therefore encouraged to facilitate the communication of patient groups they represent.
  • An agenda will be circulated in advance of each meeting. This will enable all PPG members to raise any issues and pass on their comments and ideas to the PPG Chair for consideration at the meeting whether or not they are able to attend.

PPG Members

  • Andrea Warren (Chair)
  • Patsy Bates
  • Russ Aitkins
  • Liz Gamlin